“Livin’ On a Prairie” is a 6 episodic short comedy written and starring Pamela Bob, and co-produced with Bob and Cut&Dry Films.
We are introduced to Pamela, a woman in her late 30s, socially awkward, misunderstood and stuck in a world that is going on without her. Her only escape to solace, safety, nurturing and love is also the same crutch that prevents her from connecting to the rest of the world: Little House on the Prairie.
She is an uber fan of the un-coolest TV show of the 1970s-early 1980s, and yet its simple messages of community, family and unconditional love is her drug of choice.
This is a show about being in recovery and rejoining life.
The show was an official selection for the Tribeca TV Festival and Winner of the Best TV/WEB series for the IndieFEST, Hollyweb, LAIFFA, Best Shorts and Paris Lift-Off Global Network Festivals. Bob also won Best Actress for the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival.
"Nellie Olson" from TV's
Little House on the Prairie
"Miss Beadle" from TV's
Little House on the Prairie
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